I think 70% of us have an idea about Microsoft's current web search engine, Bing.com. (formerly Live Search, Windows Live Search, and MSN Search & is advertised as a "decision engine"). When you look into the Whois Record for bing.com, you can see this dot com domain is registered by Microsoft Corporation [No wonder :)]. No problem @ all. Now here comes the funny thing related to bing.com. When I was surfing the internet, I noticed an article says “fuckbing.com is owned by Microsoft”. When I try to open this domain, it was redirected to Bing Search Engine with the search keyword “fuckbing”. I think it's their trick to get more attention to bing :) [When a person who are angry at bing, and type that website in, will be redirect to bing instead..Great!]. Don't think there exists only 1 domain among this category. Microsoft has been main topic for jokes all over the net . so this time microsoft played it safe by buying the related domains to their new search engine “Bing”.
Below are some of funny domains related to Bing by Microsoft Corporation (Whois Record Snap also Given).
Domain Name : www.fuckbing.com (Whois)
Domain Name : www.bingsucks.com (Whois)
Do you think this type of domains only by Microsoft. No...This field also covered by Renowned Google Inc. In the same way of Microsoft, Google also owns one of the Domain Name....
www.googlesucks.com (Whois)
See this list is not complete. You can see this type of funny domains by many other IT/Non-IT Giants. Only you need some time & an Internet Connection...:)